The Definitive Guide to Concealed Carry Attire

This definitive guide provides tips and advice on concealed carry clothing so you know how to select the right shirt, pants and outerwear styles so you can dress and wear it with confidence.

The Definitive Guide to Concealed Carry Attire

The classic hidden carrying case is an unbuttoned flannel or denim shirt, with long or short sleeves, whichever you prefer, that is worn without folds. It provides a cover, allows the use of an IWB cover or a high-traction OWB cover and looks presentable at a good price. Concealed carrying clothing usually has some type of cover or holster pocket built into it. There are garments such as shorts, tank tops, and even bra covers that are designed to be worn under normal clothing.

And then there are the leggings, skirts and other sports garments hidden with the cover built into the waist. First of all, what may work for one person may not work for another, so experimenting at home with a mirror and various shirt styles can help you discover what works best for you. We've found that loose-fitting shirts work better than tight shirts. They can be t-shirts, dress shirts, polos, regardless of the style, a looser shirt will show fewer prints with the transport system.

The idea of changing your entire closet to carry it in a hidden way is a myth that I am here to put an end to it. Alternative methods of transportation may also require some consideration for wearing concealed clothing, although, once again, it is often simple. Another warm and cozy garment for wearing hidden things, the Echo One jacket by Berne Apparel is an everyday coat with a sturdy design inspired by the brand's popular workwear styles. Even the tightest pants size in these types of fabric can't support the weight of your hidden carrying system on its own.

Wearing a jacket as part of your concealed carry attire is a personal preference and a weather-based decision. The base of a good concealed carrying shirt is one that hides your firearm, minimizes the impression and allows easy access. In this definitive guide, you'll find tips and advice on concealed carry clothing so you know how to select the right shirt, pants, and outerwear styles so you can dress and wear it with confidence. As you gain more experience and confidence in your own concealed transportation journey, you'll realize that proper concealment, when it comes to style, means striking the right balance between distracting the view of the passerby and, at the same time, reducing the impression (the visible outline of the firearm).

Fortunately, women today have many creative ways to hide their firearms such as belly bands, corsets, leggings, belts, thigh covers and the Phlster Enigma. When you think about wearing it concealed and having to add your concealed carrying configuration to your waist, this little bit of stretch and flexibility contributes to comfort. Another thing to consider when choosing a shirt to wear with your concealed carry configuration is the color of the shirt. Traditional hidden carrying belts are made of reinforced nylon straps, leather with a steel inner lining or premium genuine leather. In conclusion, when selecting concealed carry attire it is important to consider comfortability as well as style.

Loose-fitting shirts are preferable over tight ones as they will show fewer prints with the transport system. Additionally, jackets can be worn depending on weather conditions and personal preference. Lastly, women have many creative ways to hide their firearms such as belly bands and corsets.