Concealed Carry Attire: What to Consider When Choosing Materials

When selecting materials for concealed carry attire, there are certain considerations to keep in mind. Darker colors are better for masking the impression of the gun and holster, and an undershirt can help protect the skin from chafing caused by the gun or holster.

Concealed Carry Attire: What to Consider When Choosing Materials

When it comes to concealed carry attire, you don't need to replace your wardrobe. However, there are certain considerations to keep in mind when selecting materials. Darker colors are better for masking the impression of the gun and holster, as they don't show as many shades. Additionally, an undershirt can help protect the skin from chafing caused by the gun or holster.

When building your hidden carrying cabinet, you should consider your body type, daily activities, and clothing choices. Wearing a jacket is a personal preference and a weather-based decision. Tactical attire is not recommended for carrying concealed items while away from home. Alternative methods of transportation may also require some consideration for wearing concealed clothing.

Make sure that the belt strap is compatible with the hidden carrying case to prevent the cover from sliding. If you live in a colder climate and want to wear a jacket, you can wear it hidden with no problem. When choosing a shirt to wear with your concealed carry configuration, it's important to remember that weapons are becoming thinner and lighter. However, your weapon still has volume, and that volume is much more visible under a plain t-shirt than under a shirt with a checkered print.