Are Concealed Carry Holsters Comfortable and Practical?

Discover which holsters are comfortable & practical for concealed carry - from hybrid holsters combining leather & Kydex to ankle holsters & more.

Are Concealed Carry Holsters Comfortable and Practical?

For your information, pricing and ratings are accurate at the time of writing this article. Carrying a concealed weapon is a popular choice for many people, but it can be difficult to find a holster that is both comfortable and practical. Hybrid holsters, which combine leather and Kydex, are a great option for those looking for a comfortable and durable holster. I'm a fan of “hybrid” covers for IWB, where the gun shell is Kydex and the back is synthetic or leather.

Here are some of my favorites. A newcomer (at least for me) is the N8 Tactical, which has a unique hybrid holster that allows multiple pistols to fit in the same holster. I have received a lot of training from many different instructors. Kids who train thousands of people for years seem to learn a lot about practical transportation.

The vast majority of them don't like hybrid covers for multiple reasons, and they all hate nylon covers and belly bands. There's a good selection of YouTube videos that explain precisely why, so I'm not going to go into them here. I'm going to have to nominate the top-tier Concealment Axis Elite as the best IWB Appendix case. I agree that there are much better covers than Alien Gear. I don't hit them, but I don't like the material they use for the backrest.

I really prefer natural leather. I've been carrying the Shield for a few years (since it came out). I have mixed-race friends and I thought that's what I wanted, but I recently bought an Exarchy Holster Patriarch IWB hybrid cover with horse leather support. Not sure why I waited so long. The standard clips are similar to those of the mestizos, but without the cross. Some people don't like the ad.

In fact, I use the multi-clip on my cover. Another incredible product to wear in a hidden way. It is, without a doubt, the best cover I have ever used. They're so sweaty inside the waist. I only wear complete Kydex cases after trying every style of cover you can imagine.

There are a couple of dozen decent Kydex case companies, but only 3 or 4 really good ones. Clinger's V3 No Print Wonder is the best of all. It has two belt clips, just like the hybrid ones, but it's MUCH SMALLER. Plus, it's better hidden than anything I've ever seen before. I don't tend to be so supportive of any product unless it really deserves it.

I won't wear anything else. I love this case more than my gun. The CrossBreed MicroClip is ideal for smaller weapons, such as the Ruger LCP and similar models. It is attached to the inside of the waist with a single metal clip with the company's cross-shaped logo. A great feature of this hybrid design is that the carrier can wrap the shirt around the gun and it still doesn't print. This cover is made of a custom-molded Kydex pocket, mounted on a soft but firm leather back that is comfortable both against the shirt and directly on the skin.

The restraint is easily adjusted and maintains its position (unlike some cheap imitators that loosen over time, causing the firearm to come loose and at an inconvenient time). Leather and Kydex are just a few of the options available when it comes to hidden carrying covers. This method of carrying a concealed weapon is ideal for people who wear a jacket and is also commonly employed by undercover and off-duty police officers. Either the author has never had a proper kind of hidden carrying, or he has been taking all the wrong classes, and then he has come here and disseminated dangerous data. Think about taking some time to experiment with your own hiding limits and be sure to watch the videos on the mechanics of concealment so that you can see examples of how to find the optimal hiding point for different body types. No matter what hidden transport method you choose, you'll need to practice drawing and re-sheathing frequently to make sure you master it.

If you've read this far, you might be curious to know what solutions others are using to improve concealed carry convenience. Less common today, ankle covers are still a great option for concealing the carrying of smaller firearms. Cherries calls it the Below-The-Waistband (A-BWB) Appendix case designed for deep concealment when additional retention and concealment are needed. I also prefer the OWB to the IWB and, although I live in a state of open bearing, I always carry my gun hidden because I carry it in self-defense, not to prove anything or to provoke unnecessarily. Unless you wear loose-fitting clothes at all times, you'll run into the problem of printing soon after you start wearing them in a hidden way. If this is your first time carrying hidden objects or if you are going to move to a new transport position, invest some time in good quality in-person training.

I have a good collection of 3 types of covers: IWB, OWB & shoulder covers that are good for hidden carrying. All bodies have different shapes, so there is no magic solution to comfortably carry them in a hidden way. This method of carrying a concealed gun is ideal for concealing it deeply or for occasions when a backup gun is needed. To save you some pain (and money), here's a short list of some of the most comfortable concealed carrying cases inside the waist: The N8 Tactical Hybrid Holster; The Concealment Axis Elite; The Exarchy Holster Patriarch; The Clinger V3 No Print Wonder; The CrossBreed MicroClip; The Cherries Below-The-Waistband Appendix Case; And The OWB Shoulder Cover. So there it is - who can help me find a cover that fits everything? Oh, and to complicate matters further - most of the time I'll be wearing either my 9mm Springfield Hellcat OSP or my 9mm Ruger American Competition.