Dressing for Concealed Carry: Tips and Tricks

When selecting patterns for concealed carry attire there are special considerations such as fabric type and weight of clothing. Learn tips and tricks on how to dress for concealed carry.

Dressing for Concealed Carry: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to selecting patterns for concealed carry attire, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind. To hide the OWB, some people prefer to use the cover between a t-shirt and a button-down shirt without creases. Look for a long hem of the shirt and try to find a flat hem so that it fits well without creasing. While solid colors are often preferred, now is the time to start giving prints such as stripes, flowers, animal prints, polka dots or squares a second look.

These patterns help to distract the eye from any possible print of your firearm. Regardless of the method and style of concealed transportation you prefer, it's important to think about how you'll dress to hide your weapon. But it's limited to little more than a derringer (although some police officers wear subcompacts, usually with specially tailored pants), and it takes several seconds to take advantage of it, making it an alternative option rather than the main method of transportation for most men. Instead, what you should know about concealed carrying clothing is how to hide your gun, the hidden carrying case, and other items from the EDC, how to cover if you have to draw, and how your clothes work in the system as a whole. If you tuck the shirt over the hidden carrying gun, the transparent cover will change, as you'll have to do a few things differently. The term “outerwear” doesn't exactly sound fancy, but it's really just a term for covertly carrying a garment that covers a firearm.

Most people think you need a bigger size to accommodate your hidden transport setup, but that's definitely debatable. Although weapons for carrying concealed weapons are becoming thinner and lighter, your weapon still has volume, and that volume is much more visible under a plain t-shirt than under a shirt with a checkered print. Three-piece suits are also popular with hidden transporters. The vest can be deliberately cut to hide if it is worn inside the waist. In this comprehensive practical guide, you'll learn that dressing for concealed carry doesn't have to be difficult.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the style in general, and adding hidden items can feel like an uphill battle. There are ways to make dressing for concealed wear easier, such as considering the weight and fabric type of clothing you choose. If you decide to wear it hidden under a closed jacket, there are a couple of tips, tricks, etc. that can help you clean the garment more easily and effectively. Below you will find several styles of shirts that will work for wearing them hidden.

Of course, that means that less clothing, lighter fabrics, and carrying hidden objects starts to get a little more difficult. As you go about your hidden transportation trip, you'll have a better idea of what clothes best suit your body type and your concealed carry configuration.